Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Epi3 - Infinite ladder, finite laughs

Epi2 - Shut It & It Will Come

EpiOne - Let's get this Parody started!

Intro to the Nitro that says this iz D bom!

I plan to post a new episode every Wednesday.

I got the idea to do these from here:
(it's the "web comics" one)
in an Easter egg at the end, I found a Stinkoman web-comic editor.
which is now on it's own here:
There is no "save" function, so I use a screen capture to save it to put it here.

It's just a goof! I was only going to do one, but more ideas started popping up so there are at least 3 of them made, with a couple ideas for more!
The weird wording, typos, etc. is all part of the fun!

Hope it makes you smile at least as you are completely wasting your day. The best time to view this is at your work-area or when you are supposed to be watching the kids or going out the door or going to sleep. :p